2016年6月6日 星期一

[pycon]pycon 2016 day 3 小整理 from 共筆

關於Django & Twisted

  • Scaling Django Application

    Django server only response one request a time
    concurrent request = thread x pools
    Higher scale means higher complexity
    有沒有更好的方法去容納更多的 request ?
    CPU-bound: 數學運算、資料運算等
    IO-bound: Database requests, web requests, other network IO
    ex. 跟資料庫溝通獲取某些資訊

[pycon]pycon 2016 day 2 小整理 from 共筆


  • Even if we do things in C++, we always make python binding with SWIG or CFFI.
  • Easier to do unit test in Python than C++.
  • All animations are handcrafted.
  • We want xxxxx! Python has a library doing that.
  • Scripting language is not just about syntax and grammar, it’s libraries that matter.
  • Disney’s Hyperion Renderer
  • Early response is important.
  • Disney’s Open Source
  • Free software is free as in puppy. It is free, but you have feed it, etc. You have a lot of responsibility. It is not “free”.
  • Disney’s Github
  • Disney’s Talk
  • Speaker’s Mail

2016年6月4日 星期六

[pycon]pycon 2016 day 1 小整理 from 共筆

關於 TDD (Test-Driven Development)

  • Red, green, refactor cycle
  • 預想好使用情境
  • 一次只會專注一個目標,一次解決一個問題
  • 避免過度設計

2016年6月3日 星期五

[MySQL] MySQL Group Replication講座小整理

以下整理一些參加 MySQL Group Replication的摘要:

MySQL Group Replication是一套可以使MySQL有 High Availability的plugin,有以下特點

Google Analytics初學者入門簡介